Tutón tykač je so dnja 20. nowembra 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.
28. januara 2024
I find the bulk input feature incredibly useful, and it’s a fantastic bonus to have features like ratings and equipment included in the free version of the recipe plugin.
However, one significant drawback is the lack of documentation for the shortcodes. It took me some time to navigate the support forum to understand how to use them effectively. Improving the accessibility of shortcode information would greatly enhance the user experience.
21. decembra 2023
The plugin itself is easy to use and the author actually helps you with your issues.
1. awgusta 2023
3 replies
It’s great at formatting recipes. The only problem is that there are no instructions I could find anywhere about which shortcodes to use for what or how.
30. měrca 2023
Special thanks to all the contributors. This plugin is so well integrated into the WordPress platform and the Gutenberg Editor. I really like the simple design.
The fact that this plugin is open source makes it to my first choice. A feature, I would like to see in the future are Recipe Roundups.
Anyway, I love it 😍
16. junija 2022
Absolutely works like a charm and the amount of features and freedom you have with this plugin is second to none. I have tried many other plugins but this one is the best so far.
This one has literally everything a paid plugin would offer. You can add your own taxonomies and equipment, including affiliate links beside the ingredients and equipment entries.
I actually can’t believe that this is not a paid plugin. It is easy to use and simple.
Great support at the time of writing as the developer responded within a day with the answers to my questions.
28. decembra 2020
I´m still digging into the possibilities this plugin offers, but so far I do believe it is the best candidate for my new recipe project.
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