Most of themes have original one category templates as part of themes. With REAL Archive Plugin you can create as many category templates as you like and connect them with a specific category in. REAL Archive Plugin provides you for this a powerful backend in which you can customize the category page – no coding required. Let us give you some examples how that works and looks like, please note that all category templates work within the same page:
* Shop page for templates 1 per line – 4 per page – big
* Shop page for templates 1 per line – 4 per page – big
* Shop page for footer 1 per line – very big
* Shop page for HEADER 1 per line – less big
* Page for System Documentation with Video and Text
* Thumb style (and yes, this is another page / URL from us
The Real Archive-and-Category Manager
- Create multiple category styles and layouts.
- Determine how many post you want place per row
- Determine how many Posts you want publish per page.
- Manage breadcrumbs with CSS Editor
- Finally connect each category in you blog, with one of the styles.
The Real Archive-and-Category Manager:
- English
The plugin is simple to install:
1. Download REAL Archive and Category.zip
2. Unzip
3. Upload REAL Archive and Category
directory to your /wp-content/plugins
4. Go to the plugin management page and enable the plugin
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