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Qero – Loyalty Program for your store


This plugin allows you to recover your customers and increase your online store sales easily by using mechanisms that allow your customers to earn points and discount on future purchases.

Your universe of advantages:

  • Apply points campaigns
  • Allow the creation of new loyal customers
  • Allow to associate E-commerce customers with already loyal customers
  • Allow an anonymous E-commerce user to earn points
  • Allow customers to earn points
  • Allow customers to discount points on purchase
  • Access to loyal customers movements
  • Access to active campaigns
  • Top selling campaigns
  • Number of converted customers
  • Top selling customers
  • Number of sales per month
  • Invite users to become loyal

Get more info here

Use WooCommerce?

Get your APIKey and start building a loyalty program for your online store. Set your points logic in your Qero account and increase customer satisfaction.


  1. Already have an E-goi account? Create Free E-goi Account.
  2. You must have the E-Goi Smart Marketing SMS and Newsletters Forms plugin active.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Dashboard Qero
  • Checkout
  • Order confirmation


  1. Add Qero Plugin in “Plugins” >”Add new”
  2. Activate Qero plugin
  3. On the Qero dashboard, you will find the steps to start your loyalty program


What is the cost of plugin activation?

Plugin activation is free.

Where can I get my APIKey?

In your E-goi account, click on “Integrations” in the right side menu and get your APIKey.

Where I define my points mechanics?

Points mechanics are defined in your Qero account in the “Promotions” area.

Can I limit the percentage of points my customers can discount?

Yes. In your Qero account, click on “Settings” in the right side menu and set the maximum percentage of points your customer can discount.

Can I have multiple campaigns active at the same time?

Yes. Qero allows to run multiple campaigns.

Is there a free trial period for the Plugin?

Yes there is. This free trial ends from the moment when the number of loyal customers raises above 50.

Does the plugin uses any external service?

Yes! The plugin is fully integrated with Qero’s service.

Where can I find the Terms of Use?

Click here for the Terms of Use.


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Protokol změnow


  • Tested WordPress 5.4


  • New Users Loyalty invitation


  • First Version to be released.