Now you can invite your customers with individual URLs and coupon codes will be applied automatically to their checkouts!
You can send such individual URLs with promo codes personally or share those – it’s a great tool to promote your products.
What’s inside?
- You can create unlimited URLs like https://domain.com/go-here-and-get-coupon
- You can attach coupons for those URLs
- Visitors who go to such URL will get a Cookie and Coupon will be automatically applied for them at checkout
- You can set lifetime of cookie – how many days visitor have to complete purchase
Popular use cases – all automated!
- Invite client with personal discount
- Make limited promotion(s) with custom URL(s) to share
- Create your own referral program without any paid plugins – keep it simple
How to use it
- Activate Coupons feature in WooCommerce settings and create Coupon(s) in Marketing menu (you need WooCommerce for that)
- Install and activate this plugin
- After activation you will see new menu section „WPM Cookie Coupons“
- Create new virtual URLs – Coupons pairs
- Share those URLs with your clients
- WooCommerce is required for this plugin
WordPress Plugins by WP Masters
- Clone Woo Orders – Free by WP Masters
- Multiple Carts, Persistent Carts, Abandoned Carts, MultiVendors for Woo – Free by WP Masters
- Import Products, Variations and Attributes – Free by WP Masters
coupons, auto apply, promocodes, referrals, invite
Fota wobrazowki
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Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Promo & Referral URLs Generator, Coupons Auto Apply for Woo – Free by WP Masters“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Initial version