ProAbono is made by WordPress experts to go further with WP sites, and help you grow your business by easily selling your services by paying subscriptions.
Also ProAbono plugin allows you to sell online subscription for the access to your pages, articles, content, video, text published on your website.
ProAbono manages offers, subscriptions, payment and billing.
Online subscription
Scale-up your customer acquisition
ProAbono helps you to automate online subscription, from the Pricing Table to the Payment. Personalize the customer experience depending on customer type, language or geographical area.
- Dynamic Pricing Tables
- Live subscription customization
- Secure payment form
- Online Direct Debit mandate signature
- Select payment methods by country
Customer Portal
Great Customer Experience in no time
The ProAbono Customer Portal automates a lot of customer support by letting your customer manage their subscription and billing information in autonomy. Fully personalizable, it is designed to be integrated seemlessly into your online service.
- Upgrade / Downgrade
- Termination
- Change options
- Consumption and next billed amount in real-time
- Download invoices
- Change billing information
- Update payment method
- Online Direct Debit mandate
Invoices and credits notes in a few clics
ProAbono makes complex tasks easy. It deals with the day to day operations by calculating and sending invoices. It automates the payments issues. It lets you get by ‚offline‘ payment (wire transfer, check, …) whenever you need it.
- PDF Invoices automatically sent
- 1-click refund
- Cancellation with a credit note
- Subscription interruption when overdue
- Offline payment accepted
Customer notifications
Alert your customers & reduce customer care
ProAbono sends invoices to your customers. If payment is automated, then an automatic debit notice will be included in the invoice. In some identified cases of payment issue, a notification is sent as well so the customer can solve the problem on its own.
- Due or paid invoice sending
- Payment issues
- Card expiration
- Interrupted subscription
Expert support
We have a global team of Happiness Engineers ready to provide incredible support. Contact us directly.
Get started
Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up ProAbono in minutes.
Installation is free, quick, and easy. Set up ProAbono in minutes.
- Log in as administrator in your WordPress Site.
- Download & Activate the ProAbono plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
- Set the credentials and parameters. Go to the left menu in your WordPress Site. Click on ‚ProAbono‘ and set the credentials and parameters (Find them in your ProAbono Account https://via.proabono.com > Integration > Installation > With a plugin > WordPress)
- Follow our tutorial Setup ProAbono for WordPress
Why do I need a ProAbono account?
Yes a ProAbono account is required for this plugin to function. Let’s create a ProAbono account
Is ProAbono free?
The plugin is free but ProAbono is a paid service. There is a free trial version.
What are the shortcodes ?
- Use [ProAbono-customerportal] to display the customer portal of ProAbono. There are 2 optionals parameters : height & page. See the full documentation Shortcode ProAbono-customerportal.
- Use [ProAbono-offers] to display the offers created in ProAbono. See the full documentation Shortcode ProAbono-offers.
- Use [ProAbono-content-restriction] to limit the access of part of your content. The referencefeature attribut is mandatory. See the full documentation Shortcode ProAbono-content-restriction.
Where can I find my credentials ?
- Please log in from https://via.proabono.com.
- Left menu > Integration > Installation > With a plugin > WordPress.
Do I need an SSL certificate?
You don’t need an SSL Certificate to run ProAbono on your WordPress website. Even all hosted pages from ProAbono are secured, it’s recommended to integrate one SSL Certificate on your web site.
If you don’t have an SSL certificate, your site will show a not secure warning on users browsers, which can reduce your legitimacy in their eyes. SSL certificates also have a positive impact on search engine rankings.
The process of setting up an SSL certificate depends on your hosting provider. Some hosts include free certificates, while others charge annually.
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„ProAbono – Subscription billing“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
2.0.15 – 2024-10-17
- Shortcode Updates (customerportal, …)
2.0.14 – 2024-10-15
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.13 – 2024-09-13
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.12 – 2024-09-13
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.11 – 2024-07-11
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.10 – 2023-06-07
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.9 – 2023-05-23
- Fix some minor bugs
2.0.8 – 2023-05-23
- New Setting : Display/hide the widget banner on the right
2.0.7 – 2023-01-03
- Automatically remove the WordPress Admin bar for all users except for admin
2.0.6 – 2022-10-27
New Setting Options
- Option 1 : Auto-login when register
- Option 2 : Redirection to the a specific URL After Registration
- Option 3 : Redirection to the a specific URL After Login
Updated Behaviour
- Top WordPress toolbar display disabled for new users
2.0.5 – 2022-10-20
Settings section updated
- Filling in the mandatory settings will setup the ProAbono’s account.
2.0.4 – 2022-10-10
New shortcode
- Shortcode : New shortcode [ProAbono-offers]
2.0.3 – 2022-10-04
Refactoring httpapi
2.0.2 – 2022-09-29
Security + Settings
- Widget : new hash with customer reference and a security key.
- Settings : Default content in the Restrictions Settings area
2.0.1 – 2022-09-21
New version with Widget integration
- Widget : the customer portal is embed in a widget.