Post Views for WP will allow you to unveil how many number of times a post or page had been viewed. It is quite easy to use as it has only one step to Set it up and running.
Features include:
- You can Opt the post types for which post or page views will be counted and displayed.
- Option to set/reset counts interval
- Excluding users by IPs
- Post views display conditions such as automatic or manual via shortcode as per your requirement
- Shortcode Support added, simply copy/paste [post_viewsfwp] as per requirement
How to Use?
- One Step Setup to get up and running, Just Go to
WP-Admin -> Settings -> PostViews for WP
to configure the plugin. - Simply enable wherever you want to enable Post/Page Views from the listed options, that’s it!
- Or you can use the function below to directly echo/display it.
Open the pathwp-content/themes/<YOUR ACTIVE THEME NAME>/index.php
- The following Code can be used in many places such as in post.php, page.php, single.php, archive.php as well as per your requirement.
- Search for:
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
- Once found, Add if(function_exists(‚post_views_for_wp_above_the_content‘)) {
post_views_for_wp_above_the_content($postID);} anywhere Below It (Your concerned position).
- Install Post Views for WP either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Go to the PostViews for WP settings and set your options as per requirement.
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Protokol změnow
1.0.2 ( 25 February 2021)
- Feature Added: =
- Added support to edit the Post Views Label.
1.0.1 ( 27 January 2021)
- Feature Added: =
- Added support of Shortcode to display Post/Page Views Count. ( You can simply copy and paste [post_viewsfwp] ), Once you paste it in your Post/Page or any Custom Posttype your Views will be displayed.
1.0 ( 19 January 2021)
- Initial Release