Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Plugin Manager


If your plugin admin page had so many items, you would be struggle to manage them. Make them categorized with this plugin 😀

Fota wobrazowki

  • Screenshot


I believe you know everything already.


Installation Instructions

I believe you know everything already.


11. nowembra 2021
Of all my plugins, this is absolutely my favorite!!! I just installed this on my newest site, a Wordpress 5.8.2, and it worked perfectly. This plugin is super simple. All it does is allow you to put labels on your Plugin list. You can give each label a name and color. After you’ve done that, you can sort your plugin list by label. As an example, instead of looking at a list of 20+ plugins, I can click on the ‚Elementor‘ label I created and look at a list of ONLY Elementor-related plugins like addons, etc. Or I can click on ‚Forms‘ and see all the form related plugins. This plugin is absolutely brilliant! Sadly, I think the developer has abandoned it. And it is, admittedly, a bit clumsy and not terribly pretty. However, it does EXACTLY as it says and if you give it a few minutes to figuring it out… you will love it! If ever the developer comes back, I have a feature request: It would be great if you could apply a label to all selected plugins at once, instead of having to apply labels individually. 🙂
23. februara 2020
I like the plugin alot but i have some issues & features request. 1. SLOW – plugin become very slow when lot of plugins & groups (around 100) – group assignment, page loading, etc everything becomes very slow (more than 600 db queries) – fully ajax + one json in database to write/read/update is a way to go i think. 2. WRONG FACTS – if plugins are removed (whether uninstalled or folder removed) facts (total plugins in group,etc) shows figures including those who were once assigned that group but subsequently removed from the website. 3. MULTISITE SUPPORT – single settings accross all sites in network but managed from every site (i was able to do this by making little change in code though) 4. QUICK ENABLE/DISABLE – although different thing altogether but can acompany with this plugin better – functionality like this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-toggle
30. oktobra 2019
This is amazing plugin. Totally must have for any serious WP or WOO website. Thank you developer!
30. decembra 2018
I am trying it on a multisite and it is a great companion for organising the main plugin list. At the moment I haven’t had any compatibility problem, but I am using WPMU pretty plugin for the sub-sites.
17. nowembra 2018
For me is working without any problem, letting categorize the plugins and activate or deactivate all at the same time… It’s true that from aesthetically point of view is not perfect but it works and it’s free it deserves five stars. Thanks to the author
9. awgusta 2018
i am looking for plugin manager/categorize long time ago but i never found it, where this plugin, and why i just found it oh wp repository are you kidding me, i hope this plugin support multisite network out of the box
Čitajće 23 pohódnoćenjow

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„Plugin Manager“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


„Plugin Manager“ je so do 2 rěčow přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.

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Protokol změnow


  • Fix the PHP error


  • Supports PHP7.2
  • Fix the button size issue


  • Fix JavaScript Error


  • Update User Interface
  • Using Angular to make it faster
  • Show Hidden Plugins Feature
  • Edit Group


  • Update UI
  • Hide Plugin
  • Delete Group
  • Fix Some Error


  • Supports Multisite


  • Submitted some suggestions


  • Minor Change


  • Support i18n


  • Updated for WP 4.5.2


  • Reset Plugin Repo


  • Fix Some Error


  • Changed the Plugin’s Name as Plugin Manager
  • Can Set Group Color
  • New Feature : Lock


  • Make .less and minified javascript
  • Fix Some Minor Errors
  • Enter to create group
  • After Checking just-created-group, set tag on the table


  • UTF-8 Error when delete the group


  • Fix Some Errors
  • UTF-8 Error
  • Redirection Error
  • Multiple Group Selection Error


  • Enable for Network Admin


  • Original Version