Pixobe Coloring Book


Pixobe coloring book, turn any images into coloring book.


  1. Paint
  2. Draw
  3. Print
  4. Download
  5. Zoom
  6. Undo
  7. Color transparency
  8. Pencil Thickness


  1. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/pixobe

Fota wobrazowki


16. apryla 2024 1 reply
I looked everywhere for a simple coloring plugin for my sail builder client. This is the only one I could find and it works GREAT!!! Pixobe responds almost immediately and was extremely helpful! I am very pleased with the Wordpress plugin. It is exactly what I need. Simple, add custom colors, downlaodable, printable, and easy for my user to fill, with undos! Thank you Pixobe!
3. apryla 2024
Pixobe Coloring Book Plugin earns high praise for its easy setup and robust support, making it a top pick for interactive website features. Users celebrate its user-friendly design and reliable updates, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable coloring experience.​
27. měrca 2024 1 reply
A great plugin. He knows everything we need. The creator is very helpful and patient.
19. měrca 2024
We worked with Pixobe to add a drawing/paint feature on our website and its looks AMAZING!!! This feature is user friendly, works really well and is exactly what we were looking for. Pixobe walked us through the process of adding it to our website step by step and was extremely patient, professional and so incredibly helpful along the way. We now have a great drawing feature on our website! Thank you Pixobe!
16. oktobra 2023
Love this plugin for a coloring book function. It was exactly what I was looking for. Easy to use and great support.
29. junija 2023
Hello to all of you. As I said in the title, this is the first time I am expressing an opinion for a plugin. This plugin has officially brought my site to life. Your ordinary pictures suddenly turn into coloring pages. A big thank you to the plugin author for his patience and support.
Čitajće 17 pohódnoćenjow

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Protokol změnow

  1. Support for gallery. Please check documentation https://colorgizer.com/wordpress-plugin-documentation/