Piwi Warehouse is a simple warehouse management system that allows you to keep track of your items, their location and record loan and restitutions.
Piwi Warehouse introduces the following elements:
- Items – the element you want to keep track of.
- Types – a hierarchical taxonomy to organize your Items.
- Locations – the locations of your Warehouse where the item will be stored (e.g. „Facility A01“, „Lab 1“, „Cabinet B03“, „Box B22“).
- Purchases – an operation that increases the Item total amount and availability in a specific Location
- Holders – an entity that can loan Items
- Movements – an operation that assigns a specific amount of Items to an Holder. The Movement keep an history log of all the operations.
Fota wobrazowki
How to notify a Bug
The development repository and the bug ticketing system of this plugin is hosted on Sourceforge. If you find a bug submit it at this url:
Warehouse Bug Tracer
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Protokol změnow
- NEW: Updated scripts version.
- NEW: Minor fixes and improvements in the JS handling.
- BUG: Fixed wrong label for the movement publish button (bug #27).
- BUG: Fixed Wrong locations list when a draft item with a duplicated name is
saved (bug #26).
- NEW: Purchases are now tied to the locations: when purchasing an item, it is
required to assign a destination. Item locations are automatically
assigned on a Purchase. Validation mechanism have been changed. - NEW: Extended Item Record postbox to handle the availability per location.
- NEW: Item availabilities are now tied to location. Aside of the total
availability, each item has an availability per location. - NEW: Implemented a new notes system for Purchase an Movement
- NEW: Improved Post Submit Box management.
- BUG: Fixed issue with capability page restore action (bug #25).
- NEW: Reorganized the entire hierarchy introducing a better separation in
the various part of the system - NEW: Introduced a new engine to manage the back-end pages
- NEW: Added missing messages to custom post types.
- NEW: Minor fixes.
- NEW: Movements‘ item box now shows shelfmark info.
- NEW: Improved sanitization of joiner.
- NEW: Updated Piwi Library to 1.2.2.
- NEW: Improved sanitization.
- NEW: Updated Piwi Library to 1.2.1.
- BUG: Fixed issue with item titles (bug #24).
- BUG: Fixed issue which prevent deletion of first movement item (bug #23).
- BUG: Fixed misuse of a variable in Item Type column (bug #22).
- BUG: Fixed vrong aphostrope management in Item title (bug #21).
- BUG: Fixed a check in History insert to ensure an error log when Holder ID
is NULL (bug #20). - BUG: Fixed issue in History insert when movement transitate from active to
something else (bug #19).
- NEW: Updated Piwi Library to 1.2.0.
- NEW: Implemented Consistency Checker.
- NEW: Implemented Movement Join Tool.
- NEW: Implemented Multi-item Movement.
- NEW: Implemented Multi-item Balance.
- NEW: Implemented Multi-item Purchase.
- NEW: Improved Quick Operations box.
- NEW: Improved capability engine: added Create Item, Create Balance and Create
Purchase, Create Movement, Update Movement capabilities.
- BUG: Fixed unexpected behavior of date change block (bug #15).
- BUG: Fixed post date button style issue (bug #14).
- BUG: Fixed wrong sorting of Balance, Purchase and Movement title column of
Post List (bug #13). - BUG: Fixed error in Shelfmark/Type column of Item List (bug #12).
- NEW: Updated PLib to 1.1.0.
- NEW: Added update method in movement history class.
- NEW: Added capability management page.
- NEW: Added capability engine.
- NEW: Shelfmarks and Types now are organized as linked list in list table.
- NEW: Improved movement interface: now is more responsive.
- NEW: Item is now click-able in infoboxes.
- NEW: Added Settings page.
- NEW: Improved admin sub-menu order.
- BUG: Fixed wrong sorting of Balance, Purchase and Movement title column of
Post List (bug #13).
- NEW: Updated PLib to 1.0.1.
- NEW: Added Item related css for minor style improvements.
- BUG: Fixed unescaped attribute in prefilled item metabox (bug #10).
- BUG: Improved update lent js (bug #9).
- BUG: Fixed Conclude button not properly internationalized (bug #8).
- BUG: Fixed extra div when no featured is available in info box (bug #7).
- BUG: Fixed misleading submit div title (bug #6).
- BUG: Fixed purchase quantity error message (bug #5).
- BUG: Fixed item datalist limit (bug #4).
- BUG: Fixed wrong initialization of Item amount and availability (bug #3).
- BUG: Fixed wrong translation (bug #2).
- BUG: Fixed wrong JS inclusion and removed old files (bug #1).
- Initial release.