pi Scrollbar wp is fully customizable wordpress scrollbar plugin.You can change scrollbar color, border radius, scroll speed, width, border style & other settings using plugin option page.
Plugin Features
- Simple installation & activation
- Unlimited colors.
- CSS3 animation.
- Supported touch devices.
- All browser supported
- Custom Width.
- Scrollbar border radius.
- Scrollbar scroll speed.
- Scrollbar border.
- Auto Hide Enable/Disable Mode.
- Lightweight Responsive.
- Easy Option Panel.
- Easy Documentation.
- Install as regular WordPress plugin.
- Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
- After activate plugin you will see „pi custom scrollbar“ menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find „Scrollbar Option Settings“
- Installation Instructions
- Install as regular WordPress plugin.
- Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
- After activate plugin you will see „pi custom scrollbar“ menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find „Scrollbar Option Settings“
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Scrollbar“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Scrollbar“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
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