Inspired by the Coop Cam project, this plugin will display a live webcam stream widget on your WordPress sidebar.
Prior setup is required, however we have made the process as simple as possible.
Arbitrary section 1
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Head to the ‚Appearances‘ then ‚Widgets‘ and drag the ‚Pet Webcam Widget‘ to an available spot on your sidebar
- Enter a title (optional, eg. My Pet Webcam), the stream url (required, eg. http://stream.coopcam.co.uk/quail.mjpg) and a message to display (optional, eg. Check out my pet webcam!)
- Visit your home page and admire your live stream!
- Are there any costs?
None at all
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Pet Webcam Widget“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Pet Webcam Widget“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
Initial release.