Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Payforme for WooCommerce


Accept payments from your customers’ friends and family to sell more

Payforme is a secure and seamless payment method powered by Stripe. It allows your customers to get someone else to pay for their purchases.

Grow your sales and reduce returns with Payforme. Setup is free and easy.

Why use the Payforme plugin?

  1. Sell more

    • Attract more customers who want to shop, but need someone else to pay.
    • Reduce abandoned carts by offering a new payment alternative.
    • Get your business noticed via Payforme links shared with your customers’ friends and family.
  2. Offer a seamless checkout experience

    • Shoppers can select Payforme at checkout, after filling their cart and submitting the shipping information.
    • They get a secure payment link to share with anyone, anywhere.
    • Recipients can review the cart and pay. The order is completed immediately and the payment goes directly to the merchant.
  3. Reduce returns and refunds

    • Minimize returns due to incorrect items being added to the cart by somebody else.
    • Minimize refunds requests due to inaccurate shipping information.
    • Let the shoppers shop and the payers pay, without hassle for them or for you.

Fota wobrazowki


How to set up the Payforme plugin

A Payforme merchant account is required for setup. Please visit https://payforme.io/merchant

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New. Enter the name or search term „payforme“ to find the Payforme Plugin.
  3. Click Install. Once the installation completes, click on Activate.
  4. Complete the Payforme setup navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Payforme.

If you need help, please contact info@payforme.io and we will be happy to help you get started.


Pricing: What does Payforme cost?

Payforme is free to install. Merchants only pay a 2% commission plus Stripe fees for each successful sale or transaction. Or 1% for six months if you sign up by June 30.

How do I know Payforme is secure?

Payforme is powered by Stripe, a trusted and secure platform for online transactions, ensuring a safe and seamless experience for our customers.

Does it work on any store?

Payforme works on all standard WooCommerce stores.

Does the payment link expire?

The payment link is valid for two weeks while items are in stock.

Who gets paid? The Seller or Payforme?

All payments are made directly to the Seller.

Can I view/manage payments and issue refunds?

Yes, all of the above. Payforme is powered by Stripe. Stripe has powerful tools to manage payments received from your customers.

Where do I sign up?

Visit https://payforme.io/signup to sign up.

How do I contact support?

You can email info@payforme.io, or use the contact form on our website https://payforme.io


Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

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„Payforme for WooCommerce“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Updated to latest WooCommcerce version


  • Add – Seamless Store Connection: Introducing an effortless way for merchants to connect their store with just a single click.


  • Add – Updated branding and clarified pricing in FAQ for better transparency and value communication.


  • Add – Now providing clear and actionable guidance when WooCommerce API keys are found to be missing or incorrect.


  • Add – Support for custom store fees.
  • Fix – Minor UI improvements.


  • Add – Rebranded logo
  • Fix – Minor fixes and improvements.


  • Fix – Debug banner always displayed on the store page.
  • Fix – Minor fixes and improvements.


  • Improved modal integration ensures the shopper never leaves the store
  • Supports Payforme button in the shopping cart page
  • Significant UI/UX fixes and improvements.


  • Improved UX for users and merchants.
  • Requires payment before creating a new order.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.


  • Changed the background appearance of the Payforme button.


  • Shows a popup window instead of a page redirect from the store.
  • Adds the payment link to the order received page.


  • Supports Sandbox Mode option for testing.
  • Adds Settings link to the Plugins Screen.


  • Migrated to the new production server.


  • Migrated to the new checkout API.


  • Alpha release.