

Parasol gives your site visitors the ability to enjoy your content without distractions, keep their data private, support creators like yourself, while also promoting sustainability.

Key Features:
Choice for Visitors: Let visitors decide their browsing experience—normal or ad-free with Parasol.
Micropayments: Allow visitors to access your content via secure, low-cost transactions.
Privacy First: Disable ad scripts and third-party trackers for a seamless, private experience.
Secure Integration: Uses Google OAuth, Facebook Login, and Email OTP for simple and secure authentication.
Automated Billing: Hassle-free, recurring payments for site visitors.

Use Cases:
News Websites: Offer subscribers an ad-free, distraction-free experience while supporting your journalism.
Bloggers: Monetize high-quality content while fostering a user-centric, privacy-focused reputation.
E-Learning Platforms: Create a premium, ad-free learning environment.

Why Choose Parasol?
User-Friendly: Site visitors will experience a faster, safer, ad-free experience.
Predictable Revenue: Rather than relying on the volatility of ad revenue, micropayments are a consistent and predictable revenue stream.
Eco-Friendly: Online advertising has had a major impact on carbon emissions; Choosing to not load ads will help us collectively reduce our carbon footprint.

External Services

This plugin relies on the following external services:

  1. Parasol

    • What it is and what it is used for: Parasol is the main external service that facilitates access management, micropayments, and ad-free browsing for your site visitors.
    • What data is sent and when:
      • Information such as pageview count with Parasol enabled, the current URL of the page, callback URLs, OAuth data, agreement acceptance, and payment method IDs are transmitted when the plugin interacts with the Parasol API.
      • Data is only sent when Parasol functionality is enabled or when visitors actively interact with the Parasol service.
    • Privacy policy: Parasol Privacy Policy
    • Terms of service: Parasol Terms and Conditions
    • Cookie policy: Parasol Cookie Policy
  2. Stripe

    • What it is and what it is used for: Stripe is used to allow their JavaScript to run on pages to securely handle updates to the visitor’s credit card details.
    • What data is sent and when:
      • Credit card details are securely handled by Stripe’s JavaScript and are not stored on your site. Data such as payment method IDs are sent when visitors update their card details via the Parasol interface.
    • Privacy policy: Stripe Privacy Policy
    • Terms of service: Stripe Terms of Service

    • What it is and what it is used for: The plugin connects to to verify and fetch the current published version of the plugin.
    • What data is sent and when:
      • Basic version check requests are made when your WordPress installation checks for plugin updates. No user-specific or sensitive data is transmitted.
    • Privacy policy: WordPress Privacy Policy


For assistance with setup or issues, contact us at


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later. For more details, see

Fota wobrazowki

  • Welcome Modal: A modal prompts users to choose between an ad-supported or ad-free browsing experience.
  • User Preferences: A settings interface that allows users to manage site access preferences for future visits.
  • Parasol Widget: A floating parasol icon (clickable) at the top right corner of the page, denoting Parasol as enabled.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin directly through the WordPress plugins screen.
  2. Contact to enable your site.
  3. Once your site is enabled, activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.
  4. If Parasol does not appear when going to any of your pages, please contact Parasol. Once resolved, reactivate the plugin.


Can I still monetize my site with ads?

Yes! In fact Parasol works optimally when complementing an already installed ad monetization product. Parasol simply gives your site visitors the option to choose their experience.

What happens if a user tries to circumvent Parasol?

Parasol’s built-in tampering checks recognize if someone is trying to gain access to your site without ads or Parasol. We will redirect that visitor to your site in its normal state with Parasol disabled.

How do I enable required third party scripts on my site that are being blocked by Parasol?

Parasol takes a serious approach when it comes to blocking third party scripts. Simply reach out to us at to have your specific third party scripts enabled for your site.

What do I do if I’ve activated Parasol but nothing is showing up on my site?

Try deactivating and reactivating the plugin (especially if Parasol has made a requested change for you). If the issue still persists please contact Parasol.


Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Parasol“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Updates to Parasol asset loading.


  • Initial release of Parasol.
  • Added options for site visitors to access content.
  • Restricted non-approved third party scripts from running in the browser.
  • Implemented Google Oauth, Facebook Login, and Email OTP for user authentication.