This plugin is used to quickly add paid Overstock product links to your WordPress site. The product links can be simple text links, thumbnail images, full-size images, skyscrapers, or fully functioning carousels.
To create a paid link, simply create a SHORTCODE and paste it into a post or a text widget. See the SCREENSHOTS section for more info.
In order to use this plugin you must have a registered account with Overstock.com as an Overstock Affiliate Partner, through LinkShare. Information to register can be found at http://www.overstock.com/affiliate-portal-homepage. Once registered, simply enter your LinkShare ID within the plugin setting, start creating links, and watch your content get converted into paid links!
PS: You’ll need an authentic LinkShare ID provided free at http://www.overstock.com/affiliate-portal-homepage
Video Tutorial
This video shows how simple it is to embed monetized links to Overstock products. You can get up and running in under 2 minutes.
Need help, find bugs, confused? We love what we do, and we want to help in any way we can. Email Reif or Travis at apisupport@overstock.com.
Fota wobrazowki
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Install via WordPress Plugin installer (‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’ admin page and Search Plugins using the term ‘Overstock Affiliate Link’), or upload ‚overstock-affiliate-link‘ folder to the (/wp-content/plugins/) directory after downloading the Overstock Affiliate Link plugin
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
- Go to the Overstock Affiliate Link admin page under the ‚Overstock Affiliate Link‘ menu and add your LinkShare ID.
- Where do I enter my LinkShare ID?
You can enter your LinkShare ID either on the Overstock.com WordPress Plugin homepage, or in the Overstock Affiliate Link admin page under the ‘Settings’ menu.
- Do these shortcodes work in the sidebar as widgets?
Yes! Just paste your shortcode into a text widget and it will work in the sidebar, or anywhere widgets will work!
- Why do I need to have a LinkShare ID?
LinkShare is our Affiliate marketing partner which allows you to track, report, and get paid on every order accessed through your links. Whenever a blog post contains a link, it gets converted to a paid Overstock.com link and tracked through your LinkShare ID.
- How do I sign up to become an Overstock.com Affiliate Partner?
You can sign up to become an Overstock Affiliate Partner by visiting our site at http://www.overstock.com/affiliate-portal-homepage and clicking ‘Become a Member’. If you already have a LinkShare ID, then simply log on to LinkShare, search for ‘Overstock.com Inc‘, and hit ‘Apply‘. You will then need to visit our site at http://www.overstock.com/affiliate-portal-homepage and click ‘Sign In’, using your existing LinkShare credentials.
- How do I insert product links into my posts?
By following the shortcode documentation under the ‘description’ tab, you can easily and effortlessly create paid product text links, image links, or full carousel links.
- How do I test my product links?
Please click on your links in order to verify that they redirect to the Overstock.com domain
- Have more questions?
You can email any additional questions, inquiries, or feedback to apisupport@overstock.com.
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„Overstock Affiliate Links“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
Release Date – 21 October 2015
- Initial plugin deployment
Release Date – 18 November 2015
- LinkShare ID Confirmation UX Enhancement
- Bug Fixes