OrgHunter.com Philanthropic Affiliate Program
The OrgHunter.com Philanthropic Affiliate Program is a unique opportunity for
you to earn millions of dollars for charity! Of course, it is also a great way
to earn unlimited additional income for yourself. Be up and running in no time
with our WordPress Plugin!
Why should I join?
Your membership in OrgHunter’s Philanthropic Affiliate Program will not only
enhance your income, but will also provide the following benefits:
- Join for FREE – you having NOTHING to lose!
- FREE Charity API Access – from your WordPress site
- Earn millions for charity while making money for yourself
- Add philanthropy to your WordPress site in minutes
- Add 2.1 million charities to your site without any coding or headaches
- Powered by the most reliable charity API on the market today
- Donations processed by the largest and most secure gateway
- Easy setup
- Make money and feel good with the power of philanthropy
Getting Started
OrgHunter.com’s Affiliate Program is a three step process that takes less than 10 minutes to implement:
- Step 1. Register on this site to obtain your Affiliate ID: Affiliate ID Registration
- Step 2. Download and install the WordPress Plugin.
- Step 3. Sign up for your Charity API Key: API Key Registration
- Select the Affiliate Basic Plan – Free for Affiliate Members on the bottom of the API Key Registration page.
- Upload
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
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