Order Status Control for WooCommerce plugin helps shop admins complete orders automatically. By default, WooCommerce auto-complete “downloadable” products but not “Virtual” products. This plugin auto-completes virtual products as well. It also comes with two additional cases.
Plugin Features:
- Default: Default WooCommerce Order method.
- All orders containing only Virtual Products: Orders that don’t have any other physical products and only have Virtual products will be marked as completed.
- All Orders that have Paid Successfully: All orders (along with physical products) that successfully paid will be marked as complete.
- All Orders: No matter what the order contains or has (payment complete, virtual, physical, offline payments, etc.), as soon as a customer land on the thank you page, the order status will be changed to complete.
Setting Location:
Order Status Control option will be found under WooCommerce > Settings > General Tab
If you like this order status control plugin, then consider checking out our other free plugins:
Preorder for WooCommerce – Ultimate Preorders Plugin for WooCommerce.
Show Stock for WooCommerce
Disable Email Notifications for WooCommerce
Custom Order Status Allows creating custom order status for WooCommerce
Step-By-Step Instructions
- Go to the WordPress Dashboard „Add New Plugin“ section.
- Search For „Order Status Control“.
- Install it by clicking the „Install Now“ button.
- When the installation finishes, click the „Activate Plugin“ button.
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Protokol změnow
1.0.4 – 28 Nv 24
- Update: Composer dependencies
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 9.4.x
- [Compatibility] with WordPress 6.7.x
1.0.3 – 08 May 24
- Update: Code Refactor
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 8.8.3
1.0.2 – 26 May 23
- Added: COT/HPOS compatibility
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 7.7.0
1.0 – 12 Sep 22
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.8
1.0 – 22 Jun 22
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.6.1
- [Compatibility] with WordPress 6.0
0.3 – 1 Dec 21
- Support for WooCommerce version 5.9
- Support for WooCommerce version 5.7.1
- Beta Initial release