Create estate membership packages as products. Seamlessly connects with Woocommerce to benefit from all variety of Woocommerce extensions and payment gateways. It’s another solution for the Opal Membership plugin.
Create Membership Package
- Create a package the same a WooCommerce product with
Product type
isEstate Package
- So many attributes for packages
Package attributes
- Maximum Purchased
- Enable Expired Date
- Expired After
- Expired Date Type
- Highlighted
- Number of listings
- Number of Featured listings
- Unlimited listing
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shortcodes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- [opalestate_packages_collection] => show all packages
= Manage Member Users Easily=
- This plugin helps admin easily to manage all Member Users in the system when they register account for using Membership packages. Admin can check their profile information such as name, email, user
id, address… via WooCommerce Order.
= Support Multiple Payments=
- Seamlessly connects with Woocommerce to benefit from all variety of Woocommerce extensions and payment gateways.
Unlimited Access Levels:
- Create unlimited number of membership access levels (basic, advanced, premium). You can charge more for higher access levels..
Content Access Control:
- Easy to access admin and control content professionally. Admin can create different access levels with control their content.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/opal-estate-packages directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
- System tickets support 24/7 available : free support
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