NS – Maps lets you add maps and placeholders to your pages, simply and quickly.
Is compatible with almost all themes and pages builders.
Don’t need API key or any registry to use.
With NS-Maps you can:
– Pin your places with markers,
– Add marker description
– Choose marker icon
– Choose icon size
– 3 different way to add markers: Draggable, With Coordinates and Address
Privacy Notices
With the default configuration, this plugin does not perform:
- Sending data to external servers;
- Record user’s personal data in database;
- Use of cookie;
Obs: We are not responsible for any changes or configurations made by the user
Fota wobrazowki
- Load the NS-Maps folder into the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin under „Plugins“ in the WordPress menu
You can access the NS – Maps plugin from the WordPress Admin menu
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Protokol změnow
- First Version!