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Multi Roles Vendor


User Role assigment Plugin for WooCommerce Multivendor Sites

Need help assigning multiple user roles when registering users on your WooCommerce Marketplace? Download the Multi Roles Vendor plugin and do just that! Supports WCMP, WCFM and Dokan marketplace!


  • You need to have WooCommerce installed and activated
  • You need to have WCMP, WCFM or Dokan installed and activated
  • You need to have a WooCommerce User Login/Registration, or custom Login/Registration page setup

How the Plugin Works

Just activate the plugin, customize the settings and whenever a User registers on your multi-vendor site, they will be assigned a vendor role


You may change the user role in the plugin to any WCMP, WCFM and Dokan roles, like pending vendor etc.

Versions and Pre-Realease

  • This is version 1.1 and it Supports WCMP, WCFM and Dokan Marketplace plugins.


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„Multi Roles Vendor“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
