In the Media Library, there are a few convenient filter links (Images | Audio | Video). This plugin allows you to add other types to that list.
For example, you could add a PDFs link to easily find all PDFs in the Media Library.
May require at least 2.8.6 (definitely doesn’t work on anything older than that)
Fota wobrazowki
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Find the Mime Types page under Media in the sidebar
- How can I add more mime types?
If you’ve customized the allowed mime types for upload, they’ll automatically appear on this plugins admin page.
Here’s some example code for how to all additional mime types to be uploaded:
add_filter( ‚upload_mimes‘, ‚make_alfredextenstion_allowed_upload‘ );
function make_alfredextenstion_allowed_upload( $mimes ) {
$mimes[‚alfredextension‘] = ‚application/octet-stream‘;
return $mimes;
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Protokol změnow
- Prettier admin page
- Clean up notices
- bug fix for non-admins in debug mode
- First release