

Tutón tykač je so dnja 11. meje 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco. Přičina: Přeńdźenje přećiwo směrnicy.


Tutón tykač 1 blok skići.

  • Modern Events Calendar Lite


17. apryla 2022 1 reply
I've been using The Events Calendar for years. Since I am redesigning my site I thought I would try MEC -- it has features that requires coding experience to get in TEC. I can't even get the basics going on it. Features are missing and support is useless, unless going in circles is your thing. Their admin demo last for only two hours so you will be stuck asking support a bunch of questions and reading answers that do not apply to your question; or, answering your own questions by buying add-ons with the intent of getting refund after you figure it out. I think I will stick with TEC and get someone on fiverr for some customization
4. apryla 2022 1 reply
If you are going to use the calendar, just as a calendar, then ok. But the moment you want to start integrating things, then everything goes wrong. The new version does not work with gravity forms installed, site breaks. Even their own plugins do not work well together, the API plugin and the divi builder module, 2 of their own plugins, break each other and you site looks like total garbage. The tickets and invoice module is useless as far as invoices go and their woocommerce plugin basically does what it wants after each update, deleting entries, eliminating paypal keys etc. the list goes on. Support is mainly a bot, when they do get back to you, they ask you to describe the issue IN DETAIL, I don't have the time to do your work, test your stuff before you send out updates. Every update just causes chaos, which then takes hours to fix. Perhaps I should bill you for my time as well. Avoid these plugins where possible.
3. apryla 2022 1 reply
Just spent nearly 3 weeks going around and around with their support team on an issue we were having with their Facebook Import/Export as well as the Google Calendar Synchronization with no resolution. We've had a paid license for over 2 years now and waited sometimes for days for an answer from them that was subpar at best. The plugin has always had issues and functionality constantly shifts, causing you to grow increasingly impatient as they gaslight you into thinking that "the plugin never worked like that". Such a waste of time. Moving to a different solution. Good riddance.
29. měrca 2022
despite the Free plug-in M.E. Calendars Lite is a good app and offers lot of functionality. It would be a benchmark to other so called Free Plug-ins. Not only the software is good, but also the Support! even the M.E. Calendar Lite support is swift and good. All comments above are based on experiences we have had during a year with a non Profit Website. Go for a commercial calendar? than GO the Professional Plug-in! M.E. Calendar the best and hope wil become leading in future!
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