Missing content offers multiple different content choices, if you would like to request something else please post it to the support forums.
Content Choices
- Loreum Ipsum from http://loripsum.net/
- Bacon Ipsum from http://baconipsum.com/api/
- Hipster Ipsum from http://hipsterjesus.com/
- Blokk Font http://blokkfont.com/
- Image from http://placehold.it
How do I use it?
Either with the shortcode [missing-content]
in the post editor or with the function mcn_missing_content( $atts, $echo = true )
in your template.
- content_type=“lipsum“ options: lipsum|hipster|bacon|blokk|image
- paragraph_count=“3″ Ignored if random=“true“
- min_paragraph_count=“1″ Requires random=“true“
- max_paragraph_count=“5″ Requires random=“true“
- width=“150″ Ignored if random=“true“
- min_width=“150″ Requires random=“true“ and content_type=“image“
- max_width=“1200″ Requires random=“true“ and content_type=“image“
- height=“150″ Ignored if random=“true“
- min_height=“150″ Requires random=“true“ and content_type=“image“
- max_height=“1200″ Requires random=“true“ and content_type=“image“
- random=“false“ options: (shortcode: „true“|“false“) (function:
) - cache_duration=“10800″ 3 hours (3 * 60 * 60) options: {time in seconds}|always|never
3 paragraphs from http://loripsum.net/ updated every 3 hours.[missing-content cache_duration="always"]
Never updates the content.[missing-content cache_duration="never"]
3 paragraphs from http://loripsum.net/ updated every page refresh. NOTE: do not use this if using a tool like LiveReload.[missing-content paragraph_count="1" cache_duration="86400"]
Displays one paragraph updated every day (24 * 60 * 60).[missing-content content_type="bacon" paragraph_count="5"]
5 paragraphs from http://baconipsum.com/api/ updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="hipster"]
3 paragraphs from http://hipsterjesus.com/ updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="blokk"]
3 paragraphs of Blokk font using http://blokkfont.com/ updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="image" width="500" height="500"]
500px x 500px image from http://placehold.it NOTE: no cache control.- [missing-content content_type=“image“ random=“true“ min_width=“150″ max_width=“500″ min_height=“150″ max_height=“300″] Random sized image 150px – 500px wide and 150px – 300px high.
- [missing-content random=“true“ min_paragraph_count=“1″ max_paragraph_count=“5″] 1-5 paragraphs from a random content source.
More examples can be found here
Fota wobrazowki
3 paragraphs of Loreum Ipsum from http://loripsum.net/ 3 paragraphs of Bacon Ipsum from http://baconipsum.com/api/ 3 paragraphs of Hipster Ipsum from http://hipsterjesus.com/ 1 paragraph of Blokk Font http://blokkfont.com/ 350px x 150px Image from http://placehold.it
WordPress Plugin Repository
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New in the WordPress admin.
- Search for Missing Content or missing-content.
- Click Install Now.
- Choose activate this plugin.
- Add [missing-content] where you want the missing content to appear with your selected options.
Manual Installation
- Download the latest missing-content.zip.
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New in the WordPress admin.
- Select upload from the top navigation.
- Upload the latest missing-content.zip.
- Choose activate this plugin.
- Add [missing-content] where you want the missing content to appear with your selected options.
No FAQs so far.
- How do I ask a question?
Support forums here https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/missing-content.
- How do I report an issue or bug?
Please report all issues and bugs to https://github.com/matchboxdesigngroup/missing-content/issues.
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Missing Content“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Missing Content“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
- Initial release.
- Added random option to allow retrieval of random amounts of content from a random source.
- Added easy access to missing content in a template using
- Fixed assets being enqueued in
instead ofwp_enqueue_scripts
- Miscellaneous tweaks.