Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

miniExtensions Gallery for Airtable


Display Airtable records as if they’re part of your site. Generate a gallery of records that blends into your site. It adjusts its height based on the content.

Embed a white-labeled gallery of Airtable records on your website with a few simple clicks. Please note that this extension requires a miniExtensions subscription.


Here’s a live demo of how this plugin would work on your website.


  • Masonry style grid (like Pinterest).

  • Automatically adjust height/layout for different aspect ratios.

  • Completely white labeled.

  • Add optional link for each item.

  • Drop-down filters based on views! 🆕

  • The embedded gallery updates as you add more info in Airtable.

Initial Setup

  1. Follow the instructional video to setup the gallery.

  2. After setting up the extension, go to the share URL. The URL will look something like the following:


  3. Copy the last part of the URL (in this example that is XXXXXXXXXXXX).

  4. The ID that you copied is your „Extension ID“. You need this ID to use the plugin.
  5. Activate the WordPress plugin under „Plugins“ section on WordPress Admin.

Using a Shortcode

To install the gallery as a short code (in pages, posts, etc.):

  1. Add a Shortcode block

  2. Paste the following in the block:


  3. Please make sure to change XXXXXXXX to the extension ID you found in the initial setup.

Using a Widget

To install the gallery as a widget (e.g. in your theme):

  1. Add the widget

  2. In the widget’s settings, set your Extension ID to the extension ID you found in the initial setup.

Author Information

miniExtensions Gallery is one of many extensions for Airtable created by miniExtensions.


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