Tutón tykač je so dnja 31. decembra 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je nachwilne, čaka so na dospołne přepruwowanje.
24. februara 2023
1 reply
I have been using Meteor Slides for over 5 years, but about 4 years ago the support stopped and I was forced to fix several deprecated PHP code issues over the next two years. I’m very happy that Josh has released a new version which is updated for current versions of WordPress and PHP and includes some of my corrected code.
2. januara 2018
This is a fantastic little plugin for adding slideshows to your web site or blog. It is very lean, extremely robust and reliable as well as being very simple to use. The cherry on the cake is the customer service / support. Absolutely world class. No problem is too small for them to give their full attention too. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever come across support that is better. Can’t recommend enough. 10/10.
27. nowembra 2017
free lunch is real here
25. septembra 2017
1 reply
John Lueze is a wonderful developer and a g**d*** saint as far as I’m concerned. Yeah, he’s that good. Take care of him my lovelies. We don’t often get nice things.
31. awgusta 2017
1 reply
I’ve used Meteor Slides for years with the Responsive theme. I found it simple to use and received a prompt reply from developer when I had a question. Produces simple slider and does not seem to add a lot of unnecessary bloated code.
7. nowembra 2016
1 reply
And as usual with WP plugins, minimal instruction, so moved on to something else as time is money.
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