An easy, simple and complete materialize style contact form.
You can optionnally provide a google recaptcha apikey
The plugin validates the datas.
Then, if the form is valid, send automatic HTML emails
To use the plugin, configure it in the settings MCF FORM menu section
And to insert it, use the shortcode
You can also specify a consent message to add in the form
[mcf_form gdpr=“true“ consent=“the text right to the consent checkbox“]
The settings are not required
The google recaptcha Apikey is optionnal
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Materialize contact form“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
Sobuskutkowarjo„Materialize contact form“ je so do 2 rěčow přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.
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Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
Add possibility to inject the form from the wysiwyg
Add possibility to add a required consent checkbox whit the text you want (see screenshot-2)
Create stable tag