Mark New Posts


Highlight unread posts on your blog.

Key features:

  • Works right out of the box
  • Uses cookies, no authorization required
  • 4 different types of markers for highlighting posts (a „new“ text label,
    an orange circle, etc.)
  • Customizable background color for unread post titles

There’s a setting to determine when a post should be considered read. You can pick one of the following:

  • after it was opened
  • after it was displayed in the post list
  • after opening any page of the blog

Functions available for theme developers:

  • mnp_is_new_post($post) – check if a post is unread
  • mnp_new_posts_count($query) – get unread posts count

Fota wobrazowki

  • Marker type: „New“ text (Twenty Twenty-One)
  • Marker type: „New“ text (Twenty Twenty)
  • Marker type: Circle (old WP theme)


1. How can I check that the plugin works?

  1. Install and activate the plugin;
  2. Open your blog’s main page;
  3. Add a new post to your blog;
  4. Open the main page once again. An orange circle should appear to the left of the new post’s title.

2. Is it possible to highlight all the posts published in a recent few days for new visitors?

Yes. Just set these two options:
* „A post only stays highlighted for N days after publishing“ -> set the amount of days
* „Show all existing posts as new to new visitors“ -> check

3. The plugin is exploding my page’s markup. How to fix it?

Try to enable the option „Check page markup before displaying a marker“ (plugin options, advanced settings).

4. What do I need the mnp_is_new_post() and mnp_new_posts_count() functions for?

These two functions may be useful for developing WordPress themes.


Returns true if a specific post is unread, otherwise false.
Parameters: $post (optional) – post ID or object.


Returns the total number of unread posts, optionally filtered.
Parameters: $query (optional) – WP_Query query string.

echo mnp_new_posts_count('cat=1');

This will show the number of unread posts in category with id = 1.


28. februara 2024
Searching for a tool that shows new blogs on my website, finaly find it and it works great. It shows a „News“ button and it highlights the blog text. After opening the blog the buton disapears to show that the user reads the blog. Perfect and easy. Suggestion: Place multiple buttons or give multiple choice of buttons like „Live“ „Coming up“, or customizable fields…


25. septembra 2023
Good plugin with simple mechanism
Čitajće 12 pohódnoćenjow

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Mark New Posts“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Fixed security issue: possibility for non-admin users to update plugin’s settings. Thanks to Aiden for reporting.


  • Fixed possible bug in the „Use JS“ mode with posts not getting marked at all


  • Fixed: „Allow outside the post list“ option makes markup appear in admin post list


  • „Allow outside the post list“ option
  • Cosmetic: fixed some of the texts on the settings page


  • Fixed a conflict with Buddypress. I hope now we can be buddies again. Thanks a lot to teeboy4real and r-a-y!
  • Improved performance
  • If you’ve read this far AND if you like this plugin, why not give it a nice review? It would be lovely!


  • Fixed a conflict with WPForms plugin. A message „Notice: is_404 was called incorrectly“ appeared when trying to open the Settings page of WPForms.


  • The „New“ marker type now has a better support for the old built-in WordPress themes, because they’re awesome.


  • Post title background colour validation
  • Marker type „Custom image“ removed for security reasons


  • An option to change the background colour for unread post titles
  • Open your blog with ?mnp-test=1 in the page title to test the plugin (all posts will be shown as unread)
  • mnp-title-wrapper class replaced with mnp-unread


  • „Disable for custom posts“ option


  • Added a new colour for the „New“ text to fit in the Twenty-Twenty WordPress theme. Now it’s the default marker type.
  • Changed buttons placement in the settings screen. Yeah, I know… Sorry for that.
  • Fixed flickering pieces of code on blog pages that appear when the „Check markup“ option is active


  • Back after 4 years of inactivity!
  • Temporary new logo
  • Fixed a CSS bug for Image and Flag marker types, where the marker would float away to the left of the screen
  • Fixed warnings in Debug mode


  • New translation: Russian
  • New option: mark posts as read after opening any page of the blog
  • New option: posts stay marked as new only for a certain amount of days after publishing
  • New option: mark all existing posts as new to new visitors
  • If the two options above are activated, then when someone visits your blog even for the first time, he will see all the most recent posts highlighted


  • Fixed notices in debug mode


  • mnp_new_posts_count() speed up


  • Fixed minor bug: 2nd argument might not be passed to the_title filter in some themes


  • Fixed blank screen when not running on Apache


  • Unicode flag marker replaced with an image (because of Unicode issues in Firefox)
    icon by Vectors Market from, CC BY 3.0 license
  • Code refactoring and optimization
  • Better way of markup checking
  • Settings page redesign


  • Detect prefetching


  • New marker placement: before and after post title
  • Incorrect markup check is disabled by default to use less memory


  • Fixed: incorrect markup when the_title() is being called from an attribute value


  • „Mark posts as read only after opening“ option now works for post excerpts too


  • New marker type: flag (unicode character)
  • New option: the marker can be placed before or after the title of a post
  • New marker type: custom image
  • Fixed bug: after opening a post’s preview it’s getting marked as read
  • Fixed bug: sometimes the marker falls on another line
  • Fixed: marker gets wrapped on new line in post’s navigation block


  • i18n
  • Added „Mark post as read only after opening“ option
  • New marker type: image. „Label New Blue“ icon by Jack Cai, CC BY-ND 3.0 license


  • This plugin is based upon KB New Posts 0.1 by Adam R. Brown
  • New functions for using in WordPress themes: mnp_is_new_post and mnp_new_posts_count
  • 2 new ways of highlighting unread posts