Malcure Security Suite is a robust WordPress security plugin designed to safeguard your website from a wide range of online threats. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it’s the perfect tool for website owners looking to enhance their site’s security with minimal effort.
- Easy-to-Use Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, our plugin offers an intuitive interface that makes website security management straightforward, even for beginners.
- Advanced Malware Scanner: Our server-side scanner delves deep into your WordPress files, identifying and isolating any malicious code. It operates seamlessly in the background, allowing you to continue managing your site without interruption.
- WordPress Salts Reset: Enhance your site’s security by regularly resetting the WordPress security keys and salts. This feature helps in safeguarding your website against brute-force attacks and ensures that your user sessions remain secure.
- User-Session Management: Gain complete control over user sessions. View active sessions and manage them effectively to prevent unauthorized access.
Fota wobrazowki
Upload the plugin to your blog. Activate it. Create a support thread in case of any issues.
Does Malcure Security Suite protect my website?
While Malcure Security Suite significantly enhances your site’s security, it’s important to combine its use with general best practices in web security. Regular updates, strong passwords, and cautious management of user permissions go a long way in protecting your site.
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Protokol změnow
- Feature: UI Update.
- Several stability improvements.
- Feature: UI Update.
- Bugfix: database scan sometimes kills the entire scan.
- Bugfix: database scan sometimes exits midway.
- Bugfix: Limited database scan by size.
- Several other minor bugfixes.
- Bugfix: Scan would break on certain hosts.
- Major revamp.
- Server-side scanner built from scratch.
- Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.0.1
- Implemented basic scanner
- Streamlined features.
- Feature: System Status.
- Feature: Shuffle WordPress salts.
- Feature: WordPress Integrity Check.
- Submitted for review.