Provides support for Elementor Pro Theme Builder in WebMan Design accessibility ready themes. Please note that this plugin does not work with other 3rd party themes!
The integration is provided for WebMan Design accessibility ready themes since Björk theme.
- Unzip the plugin download file and upload
folder into the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress.
- Plugin has no options, works immediately after activation, but it requires Elementor and Elementor Pro plugins, and one of WebMan Design accessibility ready themes to be active.
It does not work?
I’m sorry, but this plugin was created for WebMan Design accessibility ready themes. It does not work with other 3rd party themes.
If you are using one of the compatible themes (all themes since Björk), the plugin also requires Elementor and Elementor Pro plugins to be active.
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Protokol změnow
Please see the changelog.md
file for details.