Inspect HTTP Requests


** This plugin is inpired from the work of log-http-requests plugin **

Monitor all the HTTP Request being made via WP HTTP Methods i.e. wp_remote_get, wp_remote_post Block any request by just a click of button.
Track how much time a request like updating core/plugin/theme taking (may be useful for bandwidth consumption analysis),

This plugin logs all WP_HTTP requests and displays them in a table listing for easy viewing. It also stores the runtime of each HTTP request.

Available Hooks

Don’t log items from a specific hostname:

add_filter( 'ets_inspect_http_requests_ignore_hostname', function( $data ) {
    if ( false !== strpos( $data['url'], '' ) ) {
        return false;
    return $data;

Important Links

Checkout Our Other Plugins

  1. Connect MemberPress and Discord
  2. Connect PaidmembershipPro and Discord
  3. Connect LearnPress and Discord
  4. Connect GamiPress and Discord
  5. Connect LifterLMS and Discord
  6. Webhook For WCFM Vendors
  7. Connect LearnDash and Discord
  8. Product Questions & Answers for WooCommerce
  9. Connect Ultimate Member and Discord
  10. Connect BadgeOS and Discord
  11. connect Eduma Theme and Discord

Fota wobrazowki

  • The plugin menu is Available inside tools


  1. Download and activate the plugin.
  2. Browse to Tools > Inspect HTTP Requests to view log entries.


3. januara 2023 3 replies
<p>The first version had bugs, but the developer fixed them and now it works excellent.<br />It is the most complete plugin to analyze outgoing traffic.</p>
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