

Tutón tykač je so dnja 4. nowembra 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Přeńdźenje přećiwo směrnicy.


14. septembra 2021 1 reply
Just wanted to shout out how useful this plug-in was. Have a pretty intense custom meta user registration and had to duplicate the form a bunch of times. Made it super quick and simple to export and re-import the custom user registration feeds across different forms. THANK YOU!
2. apryla 2020
This plugin is a game changer for WordPress sites with a large amount of Gravity Forms and a large amount of Gravity Forms feeds. When working through an issue to support a 3rd party Salesforce addon for Gravity Forms the developer of this plugin went above and beyond expectations to ensure compatibility. The plugin will save hours of work manually creating multiple feeds across multiple forms. Quick, easy, and a new go-to tool for WordPress/Gravity Forms.
6. decembra 2017
I don't know about other add-ons, but the Stripe add-on requires a feed for each form and we use a number of custom fields on our Stripe feeds. This plugin works great for export/import of the form feeds so we don't have to setup a feed on each form which uses Stripe. Thanks.
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