Import WordPress 1.x
The importers of WordPress 2.x includes two ways to import another WordPress blog, but the WP to WP importer works only if both versions are above 2.x and the RSS importer imports only posts, leaving the comments. This plugin adds a new importer that allows to import older versions (1.2
1.5) of WordPress. Type the URL to the blog you want to import and click. Ok, all is done.
- The permalinks of this blog must have the same structure of the blog that you are importing, otherwise you will have problems with the links.
- In your WordPress installation, the folder
/wp-admin/import must have write permissions (666 or 777). - The imported blog must be configured to supply feeds with complete posts
Your feedback are welcome.
Send any bug detections, suggestions, critics, etc. to: wpmailing(at)jsbrasil(dot)com
Thank you, Cau Guanabara.
- Unzip the package and copy the entire folder „import1x“ to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Open your WordPress administrative interface, go to Plugins page and activate the plugin
- To import a blog, go to Manage >> Import, then click in „WordPress 1.x“ and follow the instructions
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Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.