hotelsuite FORM (hs FORMS) will show a form to book hotel rooms with some customized configurations. This plugin allows the creation of deep links and booking buttons in connection with the Internet booking engine hotelsuite IBE. Sell rooms, vouchers, events, tables and much more!
Get in touch with us:
Open New Media GmbH
Digital communication agency
Tel .: +49 261 30380-80
E-Mail: info@onm.de
Web: https://www.onm.de
Hotel solutions: https://www.hotelsuite.de
Tutón tykač 1 blok skići.
- Hsforms
To install Hsforms, follow these steps:
- Download and unzip the Hsforms plugin
- Upload the entire Hsforms directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the Hsforms plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Configure the settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> Hsforms
- Hsforms booker block will be available to place on the page
Optional: Moreover Templates can be overridden (for developers)
$GLOBALS['hsforms']['view']['templateRootPaths'][100] = __DIR__ . '/Resources/Private/Templates/';
$GLOBALS['hsforms']['view']['partialRootPaths'][100] = __DIR__ . '/Resources/Private/Layouts/';
$GLOBALS['hsforms']['view']['layoutRootPaths'][100] = __DIR__ . '/Resources/Private/Partials/';
Can i use this plugin for any other Booking Engine?
Unfortunately not yet. For further details please contact us at info@onm.de
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
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„Hsforms“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Hsforms“ do swojeje rěče.
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