Horizontal Admin Menu moves your existing WordPress admin menu to the top of the screen. Existing submenus show
as drop-down menus when you mouse over a top level menu. This lightweight plugin alters existing WordPress
styles so the menus match the default admin theme. Each admin user may choose to turn this feature on or off from
the WordPress Profile editor.
Each user may also choose the option to optimize for 1024×768 resolution, which will resize the admin screens to
980 pixels wide. In this mode, if there are more than eight top menus, they will wrap to the next line.
This plugin was tested in IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Fota wobrazowki
- Upload the ek-horizontal-admin-menu folder into your plugins folder.
- Activate the plugin from the Plugins screen.
- Select the option to turn on horizontal menus at the bottom of your profile screen.
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Protokol změnow
- Initial Release