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In order to function correctly, the user’s browser must have Javascript enabled!
I’m try a new solution for a better honeypot for Forminator Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder. Spam protection, anti-spam for Forminator Forms.
You only have to activate the plugin to make it work on all forms.
Plugin add a new field (with js) on your forms and check if it exists or it is valorized.
To change the name of the honeypot input you will find a settings page under the WordPress tools menu.
- Upload the plugin files to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress add plugins page directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ page in WordPress.
- Clean cache.
- You can found settings for randomize honeypot field name under tools.
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„Honeypot Anti Spam for Forminator Forms“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Readme update 6.6 compatibility
- Bugfix and readme update 6.4 compatibility
- Protection log
- Initial release