GW Database Backup manages backup & restoring of your database efficiently.
Just install from your WordPress „Plugins > Add New“ screen and all will be done automatically. Manual installation:
- Upload the zip file and unzip it in the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Go to
Settings > GW Database Backup
and enable the options that you need.
- Creating Backup
It helps to create DB Backup easily by a click. - Downloading backup
Download the DB backup from Backup list - Lightweight
GW DB Backup is a super simple plugin - Very easy to configure
- Restoring DB Backup
This plugin lets us to Restore DB Backup without any hassle. - Exclude Table
- Backup list(Date/ File Size)
- Sort backup list (Date/ Database Size)
- Documentation
Key Features
- Creating DB Backup
- Restoring DB Backup
- Downloading DB Backup
- Documentation
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