

Tutón tykač je so dnja 31. měrca 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco. Přičina: Naprašowanje awtora.


11. junija 2020
I used this plugin on I would say 1,000+ sites, served me well. Thank team Yoast one of the rare simple plugins out there. I have disabled it and am not seeing the same controls to skin AMP as I did in the native plugin yet? Will there be any issue running this plugin now it is eol? It might take a while to remove it from all those sites.
20. meje 2020
Be careful when buying! I was going to purchase the single SEO plugin, but they advertised a discount with their other plugins. I figured I'd give it a try and if I didn't like the others I would use their 30 day refund and just buy the SEO plugin again instead. Well it turns out that the bundle is really a disguised "subscription" which isn't included in their money back guarantee. The plugins weren't all that helpful but now I'm out $200 that I can't get back. Customer support refused to let me get a refund and buy just the SEO plugin instead...
12. januara 2020
После обновления Yoast SEO до 12.8 перестал работать.
Čitajće 28 pohódnoćenjow

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