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GeoPerks – special sauce for GeoDirectory


GeoPerks is Special Sauce for GeoDirectory

This plugin works with GeoDirectory V2+ to add special features not included with GeoDirectory.

Options –

GeoPerk Featured First for „Search For“ results – enable this perk to make featured listings returned in search results ‚rise to the top‘ automatically.

GeoPerk GD Shortcode button for Gutenberg Classic Editor block – sometimes you just want to use a shortcode in a block. Turn on this perk to add a GDV2 shortcode builder button to the Gutenberg Classic editor block. You shouldn’t save shortcodes in classic blocks, but it is the best place to add a button. Instead, copy out the shortcode and add it to a Shortcode or HTML block.


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„GeoPerks – special sauce for GeoDirectory“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow

  • Initial release