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Geargag Advanced Shipping for WooCommerce


Geargag Advanced Shipping plugin you can setup your own advanced rules to determine when a shipping rate should be available for the customer. This plugin will give you full control over your WooCommerce shipping rates. Within each shipping rate you can create multiple ‚OR‘ condition groups. This means that it is very easy to setup a shipping rate for multiple user roles in one shipping rate for example.


  1. In your admin panel, go to Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Type Geargag Advanced Shipping for WooCommerce in the search form and press the ‚Enter‘ key on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the Activate button to activate the plugin.


What is Method Title?

Name of shipping method displayed to customers. For example, 1st Class and 2nd Class, if there are two methods for a zone.

What is Handling Fee?

Additional fee. Can be a fixed amount (2.50) or leave blank for no handling fee.

What is Maximum Shipping Cost?

Can assign a maximum cost to a method. For example, if the total calculated is greater than the maximum cost, the price is decreased to maximum cost amount.

What is Calculation Type?

Tells plugin how to calculate shipping on customer’s cart. Choices are:
* Per order: calculates shipping for the entire cart. If there are varying shipping classes in the customer’s cart, the class with the highest priority will be used. These can be set in the table that appears underneath the rate table when per order is selected.
* Calculated rates per item: calculates the rate by checking each item in the customer’s basket against the table of rates.


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„Geargag Advanced Shipping for WooCommerce“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow

1.0.0, December 14, 2019

  • Initial release on WordPress.org. Enjoy! 🎉