Manage your FormToEmail forms and easily insert them into any page or post using a shortcode:
[formtoemail id="fte_my_form_name"]
Each form consists of a unique name and HTML code. You can copy and paste HTML code provided in your FormToEmail user panel or you can input your own HTML code.
This plugin will NOT taint your content or the output of other shortcodes. If you delete a form, any existing shortcodes with that form’s ID will output an empty string.
This plugin was built using code from Raw HTML Snippets.
- Download and unzip to the ‚wp-content/plugins/‘ directory.
- Activate the plugin.
- Use the FormToEmail link on the left of the admin panel to add, edit, and remove your forms.
- Configure and copy forms and code from your FormToEmail User Panel.
- Insert forms into any page or post using a shortcode.
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Protokol změnow
- Security Update: Addressed a potential security vulnerability related to input handling for enhanced protection.
- Initial Release