Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Social Shop for WooCommerce


StoreYa provides you a stable solution, packed with all the features you need to sell successfully on Facebook!

Creating a Facebook store is very simple, no design or coding skills required, it’s available in all currencies, and you can customize your Facebook store to any language.
It also includes a one-click inventory import from WordPress.

Facebook Store Features:

  • One-click integration: StoreYa uses your store’s most updated catalog, and imports it to Facebook automatically. There’s no need to manually upload products.

  • Statistics: Use real-time data of your fans and visitors, analyze your campaigns and gain important insights from your Facebook Shop.

  • No design or coding skills are required: edit the Facebook store to your liking in a few clicks.

  • International: StoreYa supports any language and any available currency.

  • Secure checkout: Maintain your existing e-commerce platform for sales, returns and order processing. Once your fan chooses a product, he/she will be re-directed to the relevant product page at your Shopify store.

  • On-demand software: You have no installations to take care of, no adjustments or configurations. StoreYa is hosted on dedicated servers and deals with all of the editions upgrades and improvements, including Facebook changes.

  • Simple to use Back-office: You can manage the entire Facebook shop from your StoreYa’s back-office, create new collections, add new products, etc.

  • Multiple stores and multiple fan pages:

  • Create different Facebook shops under one account.

  • Display the same store on unlimited Facebook fan pages.

  • Social plugins integration: Your comments and likes plugins can be synced with your Facebook shop social plugins, increasing your exposure to more users.

  • Sharing buttons: Promote your Facebook shop using twitter, Like, and Pin it buttons!

This plugin was developed by StoreYa and not by Facebook.


Something is not clear? Need a bit of help? Contact Us

Woocommerce to Facebook


  1. Download the zip file and save it locally – facebook-shop-by-storeyacom.zip

  2. Log in to your WordPress blog administration screen.

  3. Click on ‚Plugins‘ and then on ‚Add New‘ (left menu)

  4. Click on the ‚Upload‘ link, choose ‚facebook-shop-by-storeyacom.zip‘ file and click on the ‚Install‘ now button.

  5. Click on ‚Activate Plugin‘ link

  6. Click on the WooCommerce > Settings

  7. Click on the StoreYa Facebook store tab

  8. Please go to www.StoreYa.com

  9. If you are not logged in, please click on the „Get started now – Connect with Facebook“ button, and choose WP as your store’s solution.

  10. Type in your Store’s URL and click on the „Continue“ button and then on the „Activate“ button.

  11. Connect your store to your Facebook fan page.

  12. Once you are happy with your Facebook store’s customization, have it published!


Q: Sounds like an amazing service – how much does it cost?

A: Well, thank you for your kind words!
You can go ahead and publish your Facebook store for Free! We don’t require you to put your credit card or to pay any sign up fees. If you wish to go premium you will enjoy the advanced features we offer.

Visit our pricing page to view the different plans: http://www.storeya.com/public/pricing

Q: How can I drive more traffic to my new Facebook store and to my business?

A: So, we gave you an inch, creating your Facebook store, and now you want the whole mile, ha? Well, you have come to the right place! Please log back into your StoreYa.com back office and browse to your App Store where you can find valuable tools that will help you take the store to the next level. We highly recommend to try the Traffic Booster: https://www.storeya.com/public/trafficbooster
With this tool we will set up, manage and optimize your Google ad campaigns!

Q: What languages do you support?

A: So, you are not settling up for English speakers – wise move! Using our services, your Facebook store can talk in any language! (Note: your back office and dashboard would still talk to you in English, but if you are reading this we trust that this is OK for you…). See how to easily translate your Facebook store to any language.

Q: What currencies do you support?

A: We support any currency.

Q: How do I open a Facebook fan page?

A: Oh, this is exciting – a new page is going to be born really soon! Click here: https://www.facebook.com/business/pages/set-up
and fill out your company or product info. This one is really self explanatory – even Mark (Zuckerberg) didn’t have much to say about it – see here.

Q: Can I log in using my fan page and not my Facebook personal profile?

A: Logging into StoreYa is done by connecting with Facebook using your personal profile (due to Facebook’s limitations),
BUT – at the end of our very short import process, you will be provided with a link enabling you to connect your new Facebook store to a Facebook fan page of your choice (a fan page that you are its admin, of course). Your personal profile will serve you to log into your StoreYa back-office. There will be no connection between your store and your personal profile at Facebook’s end.

Q: How can I cancel my account?

A: Leaving so soon? If there is anything we can do, or if you are willing to feedback us on the reasons that made you considering cancelling your account, please email support@storeya.com so we can learn and improve for the future.
To cancel your account with us, follow these easy steps:
1. Connect to StoreYa.com using Facebook connection.

  1. Go to „Account > My Account“ tab.

  2. Click „Please cancel my account“

  3. Confirm by clicking the delete button.


10. nowembra 2019
I’m not cheap and will buy plugins as I need them, but this one is borderline deceptive. They won’t tell you that you need to pay nearly $30/mo for this until you’ve installed the plugin.
29. oktobra 2019
Another garbage plugin here. It’s asolutely useless if not paid for. Wordpress plugins directory is not an ad board, if your plugin offers only paid service – distribute it via Codecanyon and your own website. Don’t waste our time!
17. apryla 2017 1 reply
This plugin is well thought ou, has great features and is easy to use – and has a lightning fast, super-helpful team providing back-end support. Nice one!
9. oktobra 2016 1 reply
Além de não ser grátis, é bem carinho para usar, mais de 70 dolares!
Čitajće 28 pohódnoćenjow

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„Social Shop for WooCommerce“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
