Errandlr Delivery for WooCommerce


Errandlr Delivery Shipping Method for WooCommerce

What is Errandlr?

Errandlr is a delivery service that can power the post-checkout delivery experience for businesses launching online and need an automated logistics solution.

Why should you use Errandlr?

Using Errandlr can help businesses grow by adding delivery on checkout, providing efficient customer support, and ensuring operational integrity. Errandlr offers affordable delivery pricing within Lagos, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to expand their reach.

How does Errandlr work?

Errandlr provides a simple and efficient delivery service for businesses. After checkout, Errandlr handles the delivery process, allowing businesses to focus on other aspects of their operations. Customers can monitor their deliveries on the go, ensuring transparency and peace of mind. With affordable pricing and excellent customer support, Errandlr offers a reliable and efficient delivery solution for businesses in Lagos.


  1. Install and activate the Errandlr plugin for WooCommerce.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
  3. Click on the „Add Shipping Method“ button and select „Errandlr“ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter your Errandlr API credentials in the settings page.
  5. Configure the settings according to your needs, such as the delivery zone, delivery rates, and shipping options.
  6. Save the settings and start using Errandlr as a shipping option for your WooCommerce store.

Video Tutorial

Once integrated, customers will be able to select Errandlr as a shipping option during checkout, and the plugin will automatically calculate the delivery rates and schedule the delivery with Errandlr. You can also monitor deliveries and track shipments using the Errandlr dashboard.


Is Errandlr available in all locations?

Errandlr is currently available only in Lagos, Nigeria.

How much does Errandlr charge for delivery?

Errandlr offers affordable delivery pricing within Lagos. The exact pricing depends on the size, weight, and destination of the item being delivered.

Can customers track their deliveries?

Yes, customers can track their deliveries in real-time using the Errandlr platform or via Email and SMS notification sent.

What is Errandlr’s customer support like?

Errandlr offers efficient and reliable customer support via email, or Whatsapp.

Does Errandlr offer any insurance for delivered items?

Errandlr offers limited liability coverage for lost or damaged items during delivery.

How quickly can Errandlr deliver items?

Errandlr offers a range of delivery options, including same-day, next-day, and scheduled deliveries.

What kind of items can Errandlr deliver?

Errandlr can deliver a wide range of items, including documents, packages, and parcels.

Does Errandlr offer same-day delivery?

Yes, Errandlr offers same-day deliveries within Lagos.

Can businesses schedule deliveries in advance?

Yes, businesses can schedule deliveries in advance, ensuring that items are delivered at a convenient time.

Does Errandlr offer any discounts for regular users?

Errandlr offers discounts for regular users based on their delivery volume and frequency.

How does Errandlr ensure the security of delivered items?

Errandlr ensures the security of delivered items by using a secure and reliable delivery network and by providing limited liability coverage for lost or damaged items.

What happens if an item is lost or damaged during delivery?

If an item is lost or damaged during delivery, Errandlr offers limited liability coverage for the value of the item. Customers can contact Errandlr customer support to initiate a claim.


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