

Tutón tykač je so dnja 28. měrca 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je nachwilne, čaka so na dospołne přepruwowanje.


20. nowembra 2023 1 reply
Everything about this plugin is brilliant, including the staff and the customer service. I've dealt with Tanvir so far and I couldn't ask for better service. Keep up the great work.
2. měrca 2023 1 reply
Rob me a ayudado aclarando algunas dudas, es muy amable..Aun tengo mis dudas acerca de la version pro, sin embargo parece tener futuro
29. decembra 2022 2 replies
Great Software to assist my Business. I would like to thank Helena for her kind assistant , and the quick way to solve my issue. well done adn a great work
6. decembra 2022 1 reply
Excelente actuación por parte de la persona que me atendió, fue Bob , amable, y con experiencia en el tema. Soluciono mis dudas rápidamente. Gracias Bob por tu atención. Un saludo
1. nowembra 2022 1 reply
I was really excited to find this plugin. However, it has not been ideal for my needs 1. The Accounting Module: I only had the option to use cash and I couldn't list where my transactions were going nor create a bank account as an option. I had to deactivate the module 2. HR: I found that I could not import my already existing WP users. When I tried to enter employee details from scratch, it said that the user already existed. I initially thought that I was not understanding how to use the plugin, so I did a Google search and found that in 2018 someone else had asked this question. However, the developers have not found the need to resolve this issue, so I deactivated the plugin completely. If you are launching a brand new website with no users added already, I think this would be a pretty ok plugin to use just for the HR module. Sadly, I can't recommend the accounting module I've not need to use the project manager and CRM modules yet, so I cannot comment on them at the moment
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