
Enqueueror empowers WordPress developers to manage and develop their CSS & JavaScript files efficiently. It facilitates conditional CSS & JavaScript loading through the use of naming conventions and provides numerous features to enhance the code development workflow.

Quick Start Examples

  • Load a stylesheet globally
    Code a CSS file named global.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the page with id = 1
    Code a CSS file named type-page-id-1.css or type-id-1.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the page with slug = ‚example-page‘
    Code a CSS file named type-page-slug-example-page.css or type-slug-example-page.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the category term with id = 1
    Code a CSS file named tax-category-term-id-1.css or term-id-1.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the category term with slug = ‚category1‘
    Code a CSS file named tax-category-term-slug-category1.css or term-slug-category1.css in the stylesheets directory.


You may read the guide at GitHub.


  • Install Enqueueror.
  • Create the scripts and stylesheets directories under the active theme’s root directory.
  • Consult the guide at GitHub.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Load assets „globally“ as external files, for every kind of content.
  • Load assets as external files, based on a page’s slug or ID.
  • Load assets as external files, based on a post’s slug or ID.
  • Load assets as external files, based on the slug or ID of content provided by the „product“ post type.
  • Load assets as external files, based on the slug or ID of the content, irrespectively of the content’s post type.
  • Load assets as external files, based on the slug or ID of a term belonging in the „category“ taxonomy.
  • Load assets as external files, when an arbitrary term in the „category“ taxonomy is requested.
  • Load assets as external files, based on the slug or ID of a specific term in the „product_cat“ taxonomy.
  • Organize assets in directories by post type and taxonomy.
  • Load assets as external files, when the Greek (WPML based) translation of an arbitrary page is requested.
  • Dynamically generate CSS and JavaScript code to be enqueued as external files, for every requested page, using PHP as a preprocessor.
  • Load JavaScript assets as external files before the closing tag, for every requested page.
  • Output JavaScript code contained in the .js file internally before the closing tag, for every requested page.
  • Output code contained in the .js and .css files internally within the HTML section, for every requested page.
  • Dynamically generate CSS & JavaScript code to be loaded internally within the HTML section, for every requested page.
  • Mix of scenarios.


10. januara 2022
Helped me a lot with the css/js organization. I was struggling for years trying to set everything up properly without a solution. I was writing the whole css code at style.css so I had to set different classes for each element at the whole website. Now I am creating a different file for each page so I have things more organized and working more effectively. Very useful plugin.
Čitajće 2 pohódnoćeni

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Enqueueror“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Added: Official, direct support for Polylang.
  • Added: Support for async and defer script loading through the new Loading flag.
  • Changed: WordPress 6.6 compatibility update.
  • Fixed: Preprocessed, PHP-based assets will now be updated when their source files are updated.


  • Fixed: Non string language codes returned by WPML filters are now properly handled.


  • Added: Support for loading CSS internally before the closing tag.
  • Added: Support for loading CSS externally before the closing tag.
  • Added: Support for using internal CSS & JavaScript assets as dependencies both in and .
  • Added: Support for using external CSS assets as dependencies within .
  • Added: Support for mixing internal and external assets within the asset dependency chain.
  • Changed: Better support for loading assets before the closing tag.


  • Added: Local assets and external script and stylesheets may be used as dependencies.
  • Added: Direct access to PHP preprocessed assets is prevented using .htaccess rules.
  • Changed: Preprocessed assets are now served from /wp-content/uploads/enqueueror.


  • Fixed: Handling of multiple dependencies.


  • Added: Introduced support for header in assets.
  • Added: Introduced support for asset dependencies.
  • Fixed: Asset order rules not always respected.
  • Fixed: Error if WPML is activated but not set up.


  • First release