Embed published Animatron HTML5 Videos using the published at link, width, and height information. If you look at the iframe code when you publish in the html5 you can copy the Publish link, example: http://clips.animatron.com/e23df8b274ed7c887bd12975b2f01f8c and then look in the iframe code for the width and the height for what to use in the shortcode. [wpcmsn_aembed url=“http://clips.animatron.com/e23df8b274ed7c887bd12975b2f01f8c“ w=“550″ h=“450″].
Install plugin and activate.
Use information provided from the Animatron website to enter the following shortcode where you want the video to show: [wpcmsn_aembed url=“http://clips.animatron.com/e23df8b274ed7c887bd12975b2f01f8c“ w=“550″ h=“450″]
- Where can I get answers to questions?
You can email greg@wpcms.ninja to receive answers or go to http://forum.wpcms.ninja
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Protokol změnow
- Initial release of base plugin that utlizes iframes to embed html5 video.