A Plugin or framework to add events to send customised email messages.
This also adds a user interface in wordpress’s settings/options menu in wp admin to customise each event’s email message.
Subject and message text can be edited from user interface. Events can be added by filter ewee_events.
- This plugin does not provide any functionality alone. This can be requirement of other plugins and themes, as developer can use this as framework.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.
- Installation Instructions
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.
- Upload the plugin files to the
- How to create an event group?
Write the code in your theme’s functions.php or your custom plugin’s file.
add_filter(‚ewee_events_groups‘, ‚custom_events_groups‘, 10, 1); //adding mail events groups
function custom_events_groups($events_groups){
$events_groups[‚products‘] = ‚Products‘;
return $events_groups;
} - How to create an event?
Write the code in your theme’s functions.php or your custom plugin’s file.
add_filter(‚ewee_events‘, ‚custom_mail_events‘, 10, 1); //adding mail events
function custom_mail_events($events){
$events[‚order_created‘] = array(
‚name‘ => ‚Order Created‘, //Name of the event.
‚description‘ => ‚When order created.‘, //Description of the event.
‚send‘ => true, //Whether to use this event to send mail or not.
‚subject‘ => ‚Order %orderno% Created.‘, //Subject of the message. can be modified from wp admin dashboard. Use token keys wrapped by %.
‚message‘ => ‚An Order with Order No. %orderno% has been created.‘, //Message. can be modified from wp admin dashboard. Use token keys wrapped by %.
‚tokens‘ => array(‚orderno‘), //Define tokens.
‚group‘ => ‚products‘, //Event group.
return $events;
} - How to trigger the event?
Write the code in your theme’s functions.php or your custom plugin’s file when you want to send specific email.
Use send_mail method of EGrapesWPEmailsEvents class.
public function send_mail($event_key, $tokens = array(), $to, $headers = “, $attachments = array())
$eGrapesWPEmailsEvents = EGrapesWPEmailsEvents::get_instance(); //Get the object of class EGrapesWPEmailsEvents.
$eGrapesWPEmailsEvents->send_mail(‚order_created‘, array(‚orderno‘ => ‚abc987‘), ‚abc@gmail.com‘); //call the method send_mail.
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Protokol změnow
- Emails Events
- Emails Events groups.
- Emails customization user interface for specific events.