JPEGcrypto safeguards JPEG images on your web site from ‚copyright violation‘. This plugin is discontinued.
Basic features
* No effect to seo indexing by search engines
* Compatible with both pc & mobile with all major browsers
* Stability by client-side-processing & clean uninstall-ability
* Disabled saving an image by long-press (Mobile)
* Disabled saving an image by both right-click & drag-n-drop (PC)
* Guarded images remain link-able (PC, Mobile)
* Text selectable & copi-able for viewer convenience (PC, Mobile)
* Screenshot jamming by watching keys & window status (PC)
* WooCommerce product images guarded (PC, Mobile)
* Automatic guard deactivation for admin login (PC, Mobile)
* Protects ‚Lightboxed‘ images too (PC, Mobile)
*** Lightbox ***
JPEGcrypto’s advanced feature works fine with major Lightbox scripts.
- Works best with: WP jQuery Lightbox, Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
- Works with: SwipeBox, prettyPhoto, FancyBox, Image Lightbox, Magnific Popup
- Doesn’t work with: Nivo Lightbox, TosRUs, Featherlight
FAQ and Support
We do not offer update and support for this plugin due to its discontinue.
- Install using WordPress installer, or upload whole of this plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins folder.
- Go admin panel. Find ‚JPEGcrypto‘ just below ‚Media‘ in the left menu.
- Activate it (please do not forget to do this).
- Please note that media guard is deactivated automatically when you are logged-in as an site administrator, so please log-out once to see JPEGcrypto is working decintly with your site.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„JPEGcrypto“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
Sobuskutkowarjo„JPEGcrypto“ je so do 2 rěčow přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.
Přełožće „JPEGcrypto“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
- last update due to discontinue
- version alignment
- Minor code update for preventing translation file from being copied to WP system folder unproperly
- Updated to work fine with major Lightbox scripts
- Performance of server-side scripts improved
- Error handling in encryption process improved
- Has been complied to WordPress 5.1 Betty
- Image encryptipn tool has been integrated with WordPress editor and Media Gallery
- Insertion of ‚protect_image‘ is not mandetory any more
- Attributes of encrypted images are displayed
- Added another tool for easy snippet share
- Allocated independent Mime-Type to encrypted image in WordPress
- Security optimization
- Has been complied to WordPress 5.0
- Multilingual UI (English & Japanese)
- Removed limitation with ‚expiration date‘ in encrypting images (used to be 1 year at longest)
- JPEGcrypto account ID expressly displayed in encryption tool
- Service name change from ‚Eclips Media Guard‘ to ‚JPEGcrypto‘
- API URL change
- Professional features has been refined
- Japanese translation has been added
- Simplified setting view
- Made ‚deactivate for admin login‘ optional/selectable
- Made ‚screenshot jamming‘ optional/selectable
- Made ‚screenshot jamming‘ speed quicker
- WooCommerce product image guard added
- Enhanced fundamental functions, Added advanced features, Optimized UIs
- First release version