It enables two-way communication between the online store and eBlagajna. All you have to do is import the eBlagajna inventory to your webshop and that’s it.
Customers can make orders on your webshop and you will receive them directly to your cash register.
eBlagajna Webshop customer and order information is being sent to eBlagajna REST API for further order processing.
eBlagajna privacy policy and terms of use are available on this link: https://eblagajna.com/pos_systems/terms_and_conditions
If you need help with the plugin, please contact us at support@eblagajna.com.
All individuals who have fulfilled their financial obligations to our organization are entitled to receive support.
Contributors and Credits
- kikiluksic – Plugin developer
This plugin is released under the GPLv2 or later license.
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
- Go to the ‚Plugin Name‘ settings page to configure the plugin.
Is plugin available for anyone to install and use ?
No, to use the plugin, it is necessary to obtain API credentials from eBlagajna, which requires becoming a customer of their service. As such, the plugin is not available for general installation and use by anyone.
Do you provide any help regarding installation of a plugin ?
Yes, we configure your WordPress and WooCommerce settings for a plugin to work normally.
Do you also configure a WooCommerce online store ?
By default we do not offer setting up the WooCommerce store from start or any additional modification of the store (not regarding the plugin) or
installation of other plugins than eBlagajna Webshop. These things must be done by you or your website developer. -
Can I import products from webshop to eBlagajna ?
No, that is not possible at the moment, but we are considering it for future.
For any additional questions contact eBlagajna Customer Support.
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„eBlagajna Webshop“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Release version
- Bug fixes
- Added delivery date and delivery time options
- Fixed bug on not adding ebg_company_id field in wc_customers table on plugin installation
- Separated JavaScript files for admin and frontend. They load when they’re needed
- Removed deleting wc_customers table on plugin uninstall
- Fixed making multiple API connections
- Fixed saving product subcategories multiple times
- Changed checkout validation to show all validation errors instead of ‚incorrect fields‘
- Added options to uninstall file
- Clearing authentication data on change in admin settings
- Added missing translations
- Added check before add to cart if article exists in eBlagajna system
- Added check to update price and visibility only to existing eBlagajna products
- Bugfix
- Removed delivery date and delivery time options
- Modified checkout to append articles directly to order object
- Added hidden developer mode setting
- Removed setting unneccesary session variables and added them as meta data
- Optimized my account and checkout page forms and validation
- Removed woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta to determine if selected different address on checkout
- Added order rejection if doesn’t go through in eblagajna system