Easy Accordion Gutenberg Block


Easy Accordion Gutenberg Block is a custom Gutenberg Block developed with Gutenberg Native components to create an accordion or a FAQ section easily. You don’t need to have any coding knowledge. It is fast and light-weight. It only loads scripts on the pages where the block is used. It is highly customizable. You can use it with any theme. It is compatible with any of the WordPress themes.

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Key Features

  • Simple, light-weight, and fast
  • Load scripts only on the pages where the block is used
  • Developed with Gutenberg Native Components
  • Single and Multiple accordion items opened at a time
  • Allow to close all accordion items
  • Add any block/content as Accordion Content
  • Keep accordion active on load
  • Nested Accordion
  • Simple drag and drop using
  • 50+ SVG icons for active & inactive accordion
  • Highly Customizable
  • Clean & smart customization panels
  • Styles for active accordion
  • Use theme colors pallete
  • Custom Margin, Padding, and Colors option
  • Unlimited accordion items
  • Accessibility enabled

Fota wobrazowki


Tutón tykač 1 blok skići.

  • Accordion Easy Accordion allows you to create an accordion or faqs section easily.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/easy-accordion-block directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->easy-accordion-block screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)


Is it responsive?

Yes, it is fully responsive and adapts perfectly to any screen size.

Will it slow down my site?

Never, it is lightweight and only loads scripts on the pages where the block is used, ensuring optimal performance.

Can I use any content within the accordion?

Yes, you can add any block or content as accordion content, providing great flexibility.

Can multiple accordion items be open at the same time?

Yes, you have the option to allow single or multiple accordion items to be open simultaneously.

Can I keep an accordion item active on load?

Yes, the plugin allows you to keep specific accordion items active when the page loads.

Does it support nested accordions?

Yes, nested accordions are fully supported, allowing you to create complex structures easily.

Are there customization options?

Absolutely! The plugin offers highly customizable options, including custom margins, padding, colors, and more.

How many accordion items can I add?

You can add an unlimited number of accordion items, making it suitable for any content length.

Does it come with icons?

Yes, it includes 50+ SVG icons for both active and inactive accordion states, giving you plenty of design options.

Is it built with Gutenberg Native Components?

Yes, it is developed using Gutenberg Native Components, ensuring seamless integration with the WordPress block editor.

Does it support accessibility?

Yes, the plugin is accessibility-enabled, making it usable for all users, including those with disabilities.

Can I customize the styles for active accordion items?

Yes, the plugin provides options to apply custom styles specifically for active accordion items.

Does it integrate with my theme’s color palette?

Yes, you can easily use your theme’s color palette for a consistent design across your website.


9. januara 2025 1 reply
This plugin lets you easily create and customize a barebones Gutenberg accordion block. It is lightweight, easy to set up and with plenty of features (spacings, colors, typography, decide which tabs should be open by default, decide if multiple can be open at once, etc.). It is also not too bloated which is great: applying custom styles to it with your own CSS is pretty easy and you can make your accordions look really professional without a lot of effort. I highly recommend this plugin!
9. meje 2024
Works great, has many customization features. However, the plugin misses tabindex for the accordion headings and the open/close keyboard behavior that comes with it (similar to Bootstrap). This feature is a must in terms of accessibility these days… Update: unfortunately, we had to remove the plugin from our websites since it did not pass QA. Also, in contrast with other WP plugin developers, we did not hear back from the creators of this plugin. One start, good effort!
Čitajće 14 pohódnoćenjow

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„Easy Accordion Gutenberg Block“ je so do 1 rěče přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.

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Na wuwiću zajimowany?

Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.

Protokol změnow


  • Added: Border Radius for header and content, margin for content
  • Added: Option to override style for nested accordion
  • Added: Hover style option for item, title, header


  • Fixed: SVG icon color issue


  • Fixed: PHP Fatal Errors


  • New Feature: Nested Accordion
  • New Feature: Allow to close all accordion items
  • New Feature: Able to close accordion in editor view
  • New Feature: Responsive device support
  • New Feature: Accessibility improvements
  • New Feature: Added 50+ SVG icons for active & inactive accordion
  • New Feature: Typography options for accordion title
  • Improved: Add new accordion item button
  • Improved: Title and icon gap option
  • Fixed: multiple accordion items opened at a time issue
  • Support: Gutenberg Built-in custom Class for block
  • Support: Gutenberg built-in anchor for block
  • Removed: Custom option for adding custom class to the block
  • Removed: Custom option for adding custom ID to the block
  • Compatibility: WordPress 6.7.1 compatible


  • Fixed: tabindex Accessibility


  • Fixed: Accordion Initial Editor style issues
  • Update: Version compatible with WordPress 6.4.x


  • Fixed: Styles related PHP errors are fixed
  • New Feature: multiple accordion items opened at a time


  • Fixed: Load scripts only on the pages where the block is used


  • Fixed: Active accordion issue fixing
  • Fixed: Editor styles issue fixing


  • Update: Redirection to the plugin page after activation


  • Initial Release