

Tutón tykač je so dnja 27. měrca 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Přeńdźenje přećiwo směrnicy.


9. februara 2023
<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1853176" _msthash="209">Не работает ни сайт, ни техническая поддержка не отвечают.</font><font _mstmutation="1"></font>
21. apryla 2021
I could not import the new products to the store, the plugin generate PHP fatal errors. I contacted the technical services, event if took more than 3weeks to get nothing at the end, the team had no clue how to deal with the problem, they keep blaming the others (web host, the database issue, etc...) and sending the same statement "it works for us" while the error_log states clearly that the issue is related to the plugin. It is a huge waist of time an money (almost 800$ for the yearly subscription), don't recommend this company unless you work with the free subscription (it's fare when you pay nothing and you got nothing).
26. februara 2021
I would like to express my great appreciation for Knawat's hard work and effort with me! I truly appreciate their great service and their availability especially Mr. Samer. He represented Knawat in such a professional way and I couldn’t thank him enough for his efforts. 
5. oktobra 2020 1 reply
The plugin did not work as expected and had some conflict with other plugins according to their support. I would love to see Knawat working on this issue seriously as in the market you have got many types of websites that would require the plugin's code to be clean, tested, and compatible. The issue I had is that the plugin overwrites whatever imported data from the Knawat store within few seconds, leaving no room for customization on the product level.
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