This plugin will help you hide the default WordPress dashboard widgets like Incoming Links, etc.
And also adds a Quick Menu Finder on your dashboard which would help save some time finding those menus that are deeply nested under a submenu.
You can also remove the Akismet Stats from your Dashboard Menu, Theme Editor, Plugin Editor, Custom Background, Custom Header as well.
Dashboard & Menu Cleaner built by Fedmich
More Info
Send your suggestions and comments on fedmich.com/tools/dashboard-menus-cleaner
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„Dashboard & Menu Cleaner (Quick Menu Finder)“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Fixed css (webkit issue) issue to make quick finder work on Chrome browsers, -webkit-user-select and -moz-user-select
- You can now remove the „The Latest from W3 EDGE“ and „The Latest from W3 EDGE“ widgets from your dashboard
- You can now remove Akismet Stats from your Dashboard menu
- Checkboxes settings to hide bunch of stuffs from the menu
- Settings to hide Quick Finder Menu
- Auto hides Quick Finder Menu when All menu is collapsed or folded
- Quick Finder on Dashboard Menu
- Initial Release: Automatic and no settings needed
Send your suggestions and comments on fedmich.com/tools/dashboard-menus-cleaner